Brown County Indiana Second Amendment Freedom Fighters Newsletter Oct 30 ’21

This newsletter was sent Oct 30, 2021 to all registered members at

On September 18th, 2021, after almost a year of inactivity, (during which time some of the founding members withdrew to focus on personal matters), a meeting of the Brown County Indiana Second Amendment Freedom Fighters was called by co-founder and chaplain Mike Painter and myself, Jeff Foster, webmaster of the IFF website, to discuss revitalizing the group.

Concerns for our country are greater today than ever before! In the past year alone, we have seen our Constitutional rights systematically attacked by the ruling globalist elite and the so-called “progressive” left. The attacks on our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms are now but one aspect of the multifaceted full-on affront to the traditional American way of life against which we need to defend.

All of our cherished American institutions, from education to media, Big Tech to courts is being undermined by thoroughly indoctrinated, well-funded radical leftists — socialist to the core, and determined to “fundamentally change America”, as their guru B. Hussein Obama is fond of saying.

I know you sense all this — otherwise you would
never have joined IFF in the first place!

Among those in attendance at the meeting, it was decided to create a new “brand” for the group. In terms of the advocacy the group needs to do in the future, the phrase “2A Freedom Fighters”, while an apt description of how we view ourselves, was a bit too polarizing. To those on the left, hearing the term usually elicits visions of roving bands of heavily-armed, radical-right-wing militias (all wearing MAGA hats, of course) on the verge of going rogue.

Yes, that’s a crazy, cartoonish stereotype… but we *are* dealing with a contingent of people who are growing increasingly insane by the day, and eager to marginalize (cancel) the voices of good law-abiding conservatives nationwide.

To be more effective, our group needed an alternative public-facing name that better incorporated all we stand for in the face of the affronts to our liberty we are experiencing in the era of Covid hysteria, and the draconian measures being used to strip us of our freedom to work, travel, worship, express ourselves on social media — even to BREATHE as God intended.

Desiring to find an identity for the group for which a domain name could also be obtained, I came up with several suitable alternatives. Then suddenly, remembering the Revolution-era phrase emblazoned upon the Gadsden flag, “Don’t Tread On Me”, I tried DontTreadOnIndiana.. and it was nothing but green lights! 

I ran the name past the newly-reconstituted board, and it was decided: Under the auspices of the Brown County Indiana Second Amendment Freedom Fighters, Don’t Tread On Indiana would become our advocacy arm, and our new online home (digital bunker if you prefer). 

Click to get your own DTOI Gadsden flag,
made by our friends at!

This is your invitation to join! Not wanting to presume anything, we’re *not* simply copying your membership from the old site to the new. We would like you to consider where you stand in relation to all that’s happening in our country today and determine for yourself if you would like to continue your association with our organization, and lend your voice and resources to the battles ahead as we work to put these Marxist liberals in their place and take back America!

We have some exciting projects in the works, so visit today to see what’s happening. And while you’re there, consider registering at the site (click the Login link in the main menu). 

As you did with the Brown County Indiana Second Amendment Freedom Fighters, will you kindly join Don’t Tread On Indiana in our quest to return America to the culture, customs and traditions which made her great!

On behalf of Don’t Tread On Indiana, I hope to see you there!

🙂 Jeff Foster (,@)===::: 

Chairman & Webmaster
Don’t Tread On Indiana
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About the author

Chairman of the Board, webmaster, curator of news and citizen journalist.

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