Lead-up to the 2021 Southern Indiana World-Wide Freedom Rally

⬇︎ Watch our 2:38 promo video below, or on Rumble.com ➡︎➡︎➡︎

(Scroll down for our extended 13-min video, which includes footage from “The Pushback”,
a documentary of the first Freedom Rally held on Mar 20, 2021, produced by Oracle Films)

On Saturday, November 20, 2021, from 11am to 3pm, DontTreadOnIndiana.org is sponsoring Southern Indiana’s first-ever participation in the World-Wide Freedom Rally, to be held at the Heart of Christ Ministries in the small town of Gnawbone (map), just a few miles east of Nashville in beautiful Brown County, Indiana.  #wewillallbethere

You are invited to join us (and millions of others in over 55 countries across the planet) in a synchronous, grassroots, nonviolent demonstration against the tyrannical agenda of the trans-humanist global elites and their minions who have systematically infiltrated our government, Big Pharma, Big Tech, mainstream fake media, and the Marxist education system.

World-Wide Event Info at

Hear our inspiring speakers

Bob Croddy – Bob is a Christian Conservative and host of the Bob Croddy podcast. He spearheaded the national outreach for the original “Trump – Indiana-Ohio-Michigan, People’s Grassroots Campaign”. A dynamic speaker, Bob has been exposing how the Covid phenomenon has been exaggerated and leveraged to impose lockdowns, masking, and mandated injections of experimental DNA-altering chemicals.

Danny Niederberger – A staunchly conservative Republican candidate campaigning to unseat Senator Todd Young, Dan is a native of Westfield, IN, attended Westfield Washington Public Schools, later earning two Bachelor’s of Science degrees from Purdue University in accounting and management. While at Purdue, he interned for the Department of Defense as an Auditor in Washington D.C, and upon graduation served as the Portfolio Accountant at Wallington Asset Management.

Timothy J. Clark – A Christian Conservative and an active volunteer in Brown County with a focus on improving the quality of government services. Tim is retired from the Department of Defense, where he served as an analyst with a career specialty in quality management. Tim is also retired from the Army Reserve with over 30 years of enlisted and commissioned service. His unit was mobilized for two years after 911 to produce intelligence assessments supporting the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Tim extended an additional six months to complete the development of an improved system for assessing technological threats to U.S. forces.  His last tour of duty was as the Chief Intelligence Operations Division, U.S. 8th Army, South Korea.  Tim serves as a core team member for the Brown County Leader Network and is an Admin for the Facebook Group Brown County Matters.

Live music provided throughout the day by singer/songwriter Steve Hickman

I’m Steve Hickman of Indianapolis, Indiana. I am married with three kids, an electrician by trade, and a lifelong country music fan. I thoroughly enjoy writing and creating original music. My influences are broad, from Hank Sr. and Jr. to the amazing SRV, George Jones, George Strait, WAYLON!, Merle, Conway, Willie… I could go on and on.

My main influence in writing is what the Soul gives me. From life experience. Truth in harmony. The message is just as important as the sound. I hope to write many chart toppers in my lifetime. God willing… I will.

The Southern Indiana World Wide Freedom Rally on November 20 will be a family-friendly event, so bring the young ones… they will long remember the day that YOU took a stand against the “scamdemic” that now threatens to destroy the very Freedoms so many have suffered and died to preserve and protect! (Click for more info)

And because kids will be there, and the Heart of Christ church is graciously providing the grounds for the event — kindly be respectful and avoid using foul language. Thank you.

Why we will all be there…

The official response to the coronavirus, an engineered flu bug with a survival rate in excess of 99%, has been truly stunning with its incessant fear-mongering, governmental overreach, and the systemic squelching of our First Amendment right to question the official narrative. We’ve been repeatedly told to “follow the science”, and yet any honest and unbiased examination of the facts surrounding this so-called “pandemic” reveals the web of lies being forced upon the citizenry.

The result has been unprecedented restrictions and the nullification of our fundamental God-given human rights. The entire world has been subjected to draconian lockdowns, absurd masking requirements, the outright banning of proven alternative therapeutics and now, DNA-altering, immunity-destroying inoculation mandates under pain of job loss and marginalization from normal daily life. In short, the establishment of a two-tiered society, the perfect storm for global economic ruin and the imposition of a new world order, euphemistically referred to as “The Great Reset”.

This is governmental/medical tyranny of the highest order, and
constitutes the greatest abuse of political power in world history!

The World Wide Freedom Rally is an
international grassroots movement
pushing back against globalist oppression!

And Hoosiers are NOT remaining silent!

View the extended 13-minute presentation for even more info:

Share with all your freedom loving friends and relatives,
and plan to attend! God Bless America!

All updates for this event will be posted here in DontTreadOnIndiana.org.


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About the author

Chairman of the Board, webmaster, curator of news and citizen journalist.

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