Review of the 1st Southern Indiana World-Wide Freedom Rally

OVER & DONE — November 20, ’21 Southern Indiana
World-Wide Freedom Rally deemed a success!

DTOI banner flying at the Southern Indiana World-Wide Freedom Rally, Nov 20, ‘2021

On a chilly Saturday morning in the small town of Gnawbone on the outskirts of Nashville in Brown County Indiana, upwards of 200 freedom-loving individuals from across the state gathered around the shelterhouse on the Heart of Christ Ministries campus to add their voices (in synchrony with millions in over 55 countries across the planet) to protest the governmental and medical tyranny undermining our God-given and Constitutionally-protected liberties.

Truth be told, tyranny has been rising slowly in America for decades — it was only more fully revealed and significantly increased in the wake of the Covid phenomenon. As expressed on this page in the days and weeks leading up to the Rally, we stated:

The official response to the coronavirus, an engineered flu bug with a survival rate in excess of 99%, has been truly stunning with its incessant fear-mongering, governmental overreach, and the systemic squelching of our First Amendment right to question the official narrative. We’ve been repeatedly told to “follow the science”, and yet any honest and unbiased examination of the facts surrounding this so-called “pandemic” reveals the web of lies being forced upon the citizenry.

The result has been unprecedented restrictions and the nullification of our fundamental God-given human rights. The entire world has been subjected to draconian lockdowns, absurd masking requirements, the outright banning of proven alternative therapeutics and now, DNA-altering, immunity-destroying inoculation mandates under pain of job loss and marginalization from normal daily life. In short, the establishment of a two-tiered society, the perfect storm for global economic ruin and the imposition of a new world order, euphemistically referred to as “The Great Reset”.

Steve Hickman performing an original song at the Southern Indiana World-Wide Freedom Rally

From our first learning of the World-Wide Freedom Rally and the decision made to participate, the board members of (DTOI) had but a few weeks to plan and stage our own contribution to the demonstrations. With a location provided by Heart of Christ Ministries but no budget except our own pass-the-hat financing, DTOI hastily enlisted security services from the Brown County Sheriff Department, catering by Flip-Flop Grill and Sugar Creek BBQ, and portable latrine services from Buck Valley Septic. With our event logistics now in place, the Southern Indiana World-Wide Freedom Rally was a GO!

During the event, Brown County-based singer-songwriter Steve Hickman entertained us with his fine country-soul music, punctuated by our inspiring cadre of speakers: Bob Croddy, Dan Neiderberger and Timothy J Clark.

The Southern Indiana World-Wide Freedom Rally fostered many new friendships as like-minded Patriots mingled freely (hardly a mask in sight) to share information, express deep concern and sincere outrage over what we see happening in our nation and across the planet. Folks commiserated and strategized on ways to redirect the political landscape to the Constitutional Republic for which our proud flag stands. would like to express our sincere gratitude… first to God Almighty for inspiring us to act and providing us resources, and secondly to the many Patriots who braved the chilly weather to gather in a church parking lot and focus their attention for a few hours on what it means to be free, to be engaged, and to be a true American!

Folks begin to gather for the Southern Indiana World-Wide Freedom Rally

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About the author

Chairman of the Board, webmaster, curator of news and citizen journalist.

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