About Us

Don’t Tread On Indiana launched in late 2021, borne of remnants of the Brown County Indiana Second Amendment Freedom Fighters, a grassroots coalition of like-minded Hoosiers working together to help preserve and protect our uniquely American values, customs and traditions.

We are men and women from the great state of Indiana who revere God above the State, who firmly honor and support the US Constitution as the law of the land.

To us the Bill of Rights is sacrosanct, and any attempts to infringe upon it are fundamentally unlawful, therefore unacceptable, and must be rebuked and defeated.

At first, we were focused on preserving our Second Amendment Rights to Bear Arms. Back then — before the China virus reared its ugly head and the powers that be reacted with such unprecedented authoritarian zeal — defending 2A seemed enough.

But today in America, we are seeing a full-on frontal attack on all our Constitutional rights and traditional American values perpetrated by globalist oligarchs and an emboldened Left — a heavily-indoctrinated, decidedly Marxist contingent intent on infiltrating, denigrating, cancelling, destroying and “reimagining” everything for which America has stood since our Founders overcame the world’s most powerful military of their day to create the greatest, most prosperous nation on Earth, a beacon of liberty for the entire planet.

Don’t Tread On Indiana was formed to advocate for the legacy of the Lord, of the Founders, and of the many brave men and women who placed (and are placing) their lives in harm’s way to further that legacy. We are dedicated to stopping the encroachment of governmental overreach, socialistic propaganda and cultural subjugation — wherever we find it.

Indiana has always been a conservative state at heart,
steeped in American tradition, patriotism, and liberty.

With the exception of a few cities where more liberal attitudes prevail, the majority of Hoosiers believe in time-tested American values, love of country, and faith in a Higher Power. DTOI is committed to preserving those traditional customs — and our uniquely American culture – for generations to come.

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