We The People Freedom Rally III a success!

The following is an archive of our promotion for Don’t Tread On Indiana’s We The People Freedom Rally III. We like to stash event content for future reference because… why not?

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT — DTOI would like to thank some crazy chick on YouTube who decided it was her mission in life to disparage our group and slander our selection of speakers for this rally. As a result of her insufferably-long, deranged livestreams of unmitigated bullshit and outright lies, our little rally attracted people from 16 states… including that bastion of Marxist dysfunction, California! Thank you, Lori — because of your efforts a good time was had by all. Well, except you, presumably. Now please consider repenting of your evil ways and getting right with Jesus. Would do ya a world of good.

On Saturday, October 15, 2022, from 11am to 2pm, DontTreadOnIndiana.org presented our third We The People Freedom Rally, once again to be held at the Heart of Christ Ministries Shelter House in the small town of Gnawbone, just a few miles east of Nashville in beautiful Brown County, Indiana (click for map).


➤ David Riddell, founder of the 1776 Restoration Movement
➤ Bob Hayden, Regional Lead for the Indiana chapter of 1776RM.
➤ Tim J Clark, author, journalist, admin of IndependentVotersOfBrownCountyIN.com
➤ Danny Niederberger, write-in candidate for US Senate against incumbent Todd Young
➤ James Woods, admin for Indiana Fighting For Freedom on Facebook
➤ Opening prayer by Gregg Painter
♬ Music by Americana artist Steve Hickman, featuring guest vocalist Grace Kingma
Security provided by the Brown County Sheriff Dept and private Security Officers.

Catering by Pig & Tasty.
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If you find yourself alarmed by current events and disgusted by the radical Woke left, come join us in a peaceful demonstration against the globalist Marxists and their minions who have systematically infiltrated our Government, Big Pharma, Big Tech, mainstream fake media, and virtually every other American institution! 

The good news is — the pendulum is swinging back our way! Moderates and Independents are abandoning the collectivist neo-liberal Democrat agenda in droves. The nation is poised to experience a Red Tsunami of historical proportions as the Christian/Conservative Right takes back the reigns of political power at all levels of government.

NOTE: This a family-friendly event, so please set a good example for the kids!

Stand Strong, and BE THERE!!

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About the author

Chairman of the Board, webmaster, curator of news and citizen journalist.

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